Flight Instructor Training (FI) with and without CPL
Why should one want to become a flight instructor and go through all the training and the skill tests? Since the introduction of JAR-FC an even higher degree of professionalism is required to become a fully fledged flight instructor.
Apart from taking on the burden, there is also the joy of going through the flight instructor training. Since quite some time, flight instructors are being greatly sought after. Especially by the FTO’s (flight training organizations). They are desperately looking for qualified instructors. If you are already a CPL or an ATPL rated pilot, there is only a small step towards the qualification as FI (A). Also, it is worth considering that your income as a pilot is much safer. Whenever there is shortage of employment at the airlines, you can easily switch to instructing and make a living out of it.
Requirements for the flight instructor training
Here is what the regulations say:
An applicant for the FI(A) rating shall have
- at least a CPL(A) or completed at least 200 hrs as pilot-in-command of flight time if holding a PPL(A)
- meet the knowledge requirements for a CPL(A)
- completed at least 30 hrs. on single-engine piston powered airplanes of which at least five hrs shall have been completed during the six months preceding the pre-entry flight test set out at (f) below
- received at least 1 hrs instrument flight instruction of which not more than five hrs may be instrument ground time in a FNPT or a flight simulator
- completed at least 20 hrs of cross-country flight, including a flight totalling not less than 540 km (300 NM) in the course of which full stop landings at two different aerodromes shall be made;
- passed a specific pre-entry flight test within the six months preceding the start of the course. The flight test will assess the ability of the applicant to undertake the course
Pilot Training Europe
Pilot training Europe offers special courses for flight instructor training based on the above requirements together with specially selected partners in Spain, Germany and Austria. Together with our partners we will look for opportunities where you can work as an instructor and gain experience at one of our locations!