There is a lot of self-study material available in England and elsewhere. Should you decide to take your theory course in England and to pass the theoretical exam there, you will find a great variety of material:

Self-study training material

1. Trevor Thom series, available from Transair ( and other companies

Volume Subject
1. Flying Training
2. Air Law, Meteorology
3. Navigation
4. Aeroplane Technical
5. Radio Navigation, Instrument Flying (Not required for PPL)
6. Human Factors, Pilot Performance
7. Radio Telephony

2. Jeremy Pratt series – PPL Course available from Flight Store ( and other companies

Volume Subject
1. Flying Training
2. Air Law/Operational Procedures/Communications
3. Navigation/Meteorology
4. Principles of Flight
5. Human Factors

For Radio Telephony, the official CAA publication (CAP 413) is available free from the internet, by downloading this pdf document from the website or by purchasing from Documedia. Price £13.75.

3. Oxford Aviation, available from Transair ( and other companies (Computer Based Training, using CD.)

CD Subject
1. Air Law, Operational Procedures
2. Human Performance and Limitations
3. Navigation, Radio Aids
4. Meteorology
5. Aircraft General, Principles of Flight
6. Flight Performance and Planning

A good source for all materials is, where you can also get the “PPL Confuser” which is a highly valuable tool for you to prepare for the theory test.

Radio telephony course

The RT licence is a prerequisite to fly in every country of the world using the English language, and it will also be recognized everywhere together with your PPL.

So, we strongly advise you to attend a radio telephony course in English and to pass the exam before you start the flying training with us.

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