Welcome to pilot training europe

pilot training europe is a unique flight training cooperation comprising european flight schools. We offer a full range of training courses ranging from PPL to IR and – at the upper end – ATPL courses. pilot training europe specializes in accelerated courses for customers with limited time available.

Class Rating Instructor (CRI)

Class Rating Instructor (CRI)

Class rating instructor: for about € 1.900 you can earn your instructor’s rating! Class rating instructor – here is what the new EU-FCL says on a rating which is of extreme value to most flying clubs and pilots: Privileges and

Flight Instructor Training (FI/A)

Flight Instructor Training (FI/A)

Flight Instructor Training (FI) with and without CPL Why should one want to become a flight instructor and go through all the training and the skill tests? Since the introduction of JAR-FC an even higher degree of professionalism is required

Multi-Engine Rating (MEP)

Multi-Engine Rating (MEP)

Your multi-engine rating: a new challenge! You will be instructed to fly a two engine aircraft with piston engines (MEP = multi piston engine) which prepares you to move on to any other multi-engine aircraft. Based on the training and

Private Pilot Licence (PPL)

Private Pilot Licence (PPL)

European Private Pilot Licence, PPL Believe it or not, the European Pilot Licence is being recognized in Europe and world wide, thanks to the new EU FCL regulations. Whether you are holding a UK-issued or any other European PPL, you

Instrument Flight Rating IR(A)

Instrument Flight Rating IR(A)

Do you remember this feeling: looking into the obscured sky, murky weather all day long , with a warm front bringing bad visibility and low cloud ceiling, …somebody asking ” why didn´t we fly yesterday, before this f…ing (improper wording)

Air Transport Pilot Aeroplane (ATPL)

Air Transport Pilot Aeroplane (ATPL)

If this is your goal, together with our partners in Spain and Austria specific offers tailored to your needs are available. Remember: There are big schools and small ones , some provide personalized service , others otherwise ! – We

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