Do you remember this feeling: looking into the obscured sky, murky weather all day long , with a warm front bringing bad visibility and low cloud ceiling, …somebody asking ” why didn´t we fly yesterday, before this f…ing (improper wording) front surprised everybody, including the weather man !”

Well, there are ways for you to change all this: get your instrument rating and become more able to cope with weather conditions. Make your schedules and your flying safer, even if you fly VFR. Knowing how to cope with IMC makes you an even better and safer VFR-pilot!

Entry Requirements

  • a PPL(A) or a CPL(A) , either licence to include the VFR night rating. If you don´t hold a VFR- night rating , it will be included in the IFR training as an additional item.
  • 50 hrs of cross country flying as a pilot-in-command

The theoretical instruction course for the instrument flight rating

You may choose between classroom tuition and /or distance learning at our various locations. Also, if you bring a “pass” in the EU-FCL theory exam of any member JAA state, it is recognized .

Main topics will cover

  • Air law and ATC procedures, rules of the air
  • aircraft , aircraft operations and performance
  • meteorology
  • flight planning , navigation , radio navigation
  • human performance

Flying training for the instrument flight rating

There are two options regarding single- engine IR (SE) and multi-engine IR (ME) ratings.

  • the single-engine IR(A) course comprises 50 hrs instrument time under instruction, up to 20 of which may me instrument ground time in a simulator (FNPT I) or up to 35 hrs in a flight simulator (FNPT II).
  • the multi-engine IR(A) course comprises 55 hrs instrument time under instruction of which up to 25 hrs may be instrument ground time in a simulator (FNPT I) or up to 40 hrs in a flight simulator (FNPT II)

Thus far we have had the regulations and now for the real flying training: But let´s look here for one consideration. There are many ways to achieve your goal, and all this depends on your previous experience, your time schedule, your budget and whatever other considerations you may think of. So, the best way to find the tailor made solution for you is to contact us so we can establish your very personal needs and derive a training proposal out of that.

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