PTE´s fleet in Munich-Augsburg comprises 9 aircraft which serve to offer all kinds of training ranging from basic VFR to IFR and even acrobatic!

Munich-Augsburg , as a small, but international airport , offers all kinds of services necessary to conduct VFR training and also training for higher ratings. You will experience a healthy mixture of commercial, training and other general aviation traffic without any “traffic jams” you might suffer at other intl airports. Likewise, you can do easy ILS approaches and train all procedures which you will have to observe at any other and bigger intl airport.

You will also enjoy the easy way of life in Bavaria, and certainly you will visit one of the nearby beer gardens after a good flying day!

Ein-Kollege-in-Barcelona-Sabadell unser-briefing-Raum-in-Bilbao Zwei-Fluglehrer-in-Bilbao

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