Accelerated training – PTE´s triple – one – method !

Pilot Training Europe looks back at a long history of accelerated training for pilots. Bad weather, grounded aircraft, no flight instructor available – if this sounds familiar to you, we should talk it over:

Our accelerated training is focused on those students who wish to achieve their goal.

  • in the shortest possible time
  • in a concentrated way
  • and safely

Here is our triple – one – method:

1 student – 1 aircraft – 1 instructor. Your instructor and your aircraft will be personally assigned to you. So, ideally, there will be no change of aicraft or instructor thoughout your training , and you will be able to fully use your time and energy for your accelerated training. Pre-briefings and de-briefings will assist you in the learning process. Normally , we will assign to you only full-time instructors.

Experience has shown that you may either take two 2-week stints for the training or one period of 3 to 4 weeks.

Call us and discuss the con´s and pro´s and ask about actual instrument and MEP- courses!

See also actual course dates for PPL in our website at “summer courses” Other courses – IFR and MEP – can be organized any time.

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